
Sunday, September 2, 2007

Confessions of a One Man Sideshow Rules!

Over the last few months, I've had the privilege of helping David Smith develop his all-new show for the Philly Fringe Festival, Confessions of a One Man Sideshow. Last night, I got to view the results of all Dave's hard work, and I can honestly say that it was the most enjoyable night at the theater I've experienced in a long time.

Dave is a renowned sideshow artist and variety entertainer. He is active in the Philadelphia arts community and was a semi-finalist on the first season of America's Got Talent. Dave's performances interweave juggling, sideshow skills and even acrobatics and dance with storytelling that is engaging, humorous and frequently touching.

As a friend of mine who joined us at the show says, great theater makes you do three things: laugh, cry and think. Confessions does all three, and beyond that, it astounds. Though I am an admittedly partisan observer, I would encourage everyone to make a point to see the show. It plays in the Fringe for the next two weeks. Tickets can be purchased online here.

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